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  • Dr Anoop Mathew

    Dr Anoop Mathew

    Dental Department

    BDS = MAHAR University,Chennai,India = 2005

    MDS = (Orthodontics) MAHAR University,Chennai,India = 2011

    Experience in UAE = since 2018

    Dr Anoop Mathew is a trusted and patient oriented Orthodontist with over 6 years of clinical experience. His enthusiasm and passion on this branch of dentistry is to bring an aesthetic smile on all individuals. He has a vast and solid experience in treating children ,teens and adults using the latest techniques in Orthodontics including Orthopedic appliances ,labial and lingual braces, Damon system and Mini Implants .He is also a certified provider of Invisalign .Dr Anoop Mathew is also a member of Indian Orthodontic Society.

    Consulting Time:  Saturday - Thursday : 09:00 am - 01:00 pm  /  05:00 pm - 09:00 pm